If you are a researcher who belongs to STEM then you must attain academic conferences. If you are looking to attain upcoming conferences in India 2022 then here, we will guide you to do that.
What is an academic conference?
A one-day or multiday gathering where researchers present their work to one another is called an academic conference. Conferences are a crucial way for academics to stay in touch with colleagues in their field and discover the most recent findings. In STEM, researchers frequently give an oral or poster presentation of their findings.

Why would I want to present my research at a conference?
Conference papers are written with the intention of being accepted into an academic conference, which is typically an annual or might be organized periodically event with a specific topic where you can present your research findings to the academic community. Typically, as an oral presentation, a poster presentation, or a round table discussion organized during International or national academic conferences.
There are number of benefits associated with presenting your work at an academic conference. The benefits like academic degree requirement, Bringing reputation, Recognition as a researcher or inventor, awards and reorganization, etc.
What do you wear to an academic conference?
Most people follow the general official outfit. As a boy man can wear a formal shirt and pants with a format jacket.

As a woman, you must wear a gentle dress with simple and minimal ornaments.

What happens at an academic conference?
Academics and researchers can present and discuss their most recent findings at conferences while learning about fresh, intriguing advances in their respective fields. Consequently, practically everyone who attends an event of this nature also gives a presentation. The average medium-to-large academic conference, as a result, features a program that is jam-packed with brief presentations on a wide range of subjects. These are frequently organized into parallel “streams” with concurrent sessions.
A typical Academic conference falls into the following categories.
Plenary Session: A plenary session is a session that all delegates are urged to attend, despite the fact that the majority of bigger academic conferences are organized along parallel streams. A keynote address, panels, or other sorts of presentations may be included in plenary sessions.
Keynote addresses: The keynote address is typically a big lure for conference attendees. The purpose of keynote speakers is to establish the conference’s tone and promote a sense of interdisciplinary academic endeavor.
Oral Presentation: During these sessions, several presenters frequently give speeches on various papers with related themes or topics. After each presentation, the audience is given the opportunity to ask questions, and each presenter is given a set amount of time to talk (often 10 minutes).

Awards and certificate distribution: During this session, the organizer will distribute the certificate to the presenter and listeners. In the end, the best paper winner was announced.

How to Academic conferences in India 2022?
Academic conference Network-ACN has been the most popular and reputed organization in organizing various academic conferences in the field of Science, Technology, Healthcare, and Management across India and the World. Find the list of Academic conferences in India 2022
list of Academic conferences in India 2022
September 2022 Academics International Conferences
Academics conference in Ooty Click here
Academics conference in Goa Click here
Academics conference in Mumbai Click here
Academics conference in Pune Click here
Academics conference in Bengaluru Click here
Academics conference in New Delhi Click here
October 2022 Academics International Conferences
Academics conference in Mumbai Click here
Academics conference in Gurugram Click here
Academics conference in Goa Click here
Academics conference in Chennai Click here
Academics conference in Kolkatta Click here
Academics conference in Darjeeling Click here
Academics conference in Puducherry Click here
November 2022 Academics International Conferences
Academics conference in Faridabad Click here
Academics conference in Indoor Click here
Academics conference in Pune Click here
Academics conference in Chennai Click here
Academics conference in Bengaluru Click here
Academics conference in Mumbai Click here
Academics conference in Visakhapatnam Click here
Academics conference in Roorkee Click here